Lucille de Bonnefoi

francophile+anglophile/comédie musicale/历史&艺术史&服饰史amateur/欧美漫画/SW/HP/ASoIaF/Versailles/FrUK🇫🇷🇬🇧/学渣法语狗/北极圈冷船爱好者

Had I been a more qualified fanart illustrator, I would try to draw a picture of révolutionnaire!France holding the guillotined head of l'Ancien Régime!France in his hands and kissing it passionately ( as though he was playing Salomé ) .

Grotesque scenes like bloody ones may require better skills at drawing and a significant art style, neither of which do I have. 

I haven't seen many "la Terreur" based fanarts of APH France myself, but there must have been a couple of them. Maybe someday I will encounter with one that matches my description.

#不知第几百次叹息脑洞因我不是画手而流产though this time my fellow Francis fans may want to kill me upon seeing the picture I drew anyway

